
GRADS is like a classroom without walls. We help our students make connections in their community, find reliable information online and show them how to be lifelong learners throughout their parenting journey. There are also other methods of teaching our students without the traditional textbook. Follow my classroom blog as we stretch the boundaries of teaching and learning.

June 3, 2011

Blogging as a teaching tool

As I put away my posters and clean off my desk I am thinking about how to use blogging in the GRADS class this fall.  I have some experience using blogspot on a personal level but would like to create daily dialogue with my students. I don't get to see them everyday and would like that daily contact. I think they would like to have a place to share with each other and learn from peers.  I could be a facilitator and direct them to other sites to read and leave comments or they can write journal entries on the GRADS blog. I'm looking forward to this new learning tool.

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