
GRADS is like a classroom without walls. We help our students make connections in their community, find reliable information online and show them how to be lifelong learners throughout their parenting journey. There are also other methods of teaching our students without the traditional textbook. Follow my classroom blog as we stretch the boundaries of teaching and learning.

April 25, 2013

Judging a Blog Post

Now that you are an official author of this classroom blog you can post an article. What kind of article, you ask? Any subject that relates to this class and your new role as a parent. You can write about any aspect of having a healthy pregnancy, caring for a newborn, juggling school and parenthood, the importance of planning for college or a career etc. Just remember to follow the guidelines to protect your safety by not naming your baby, city, state or school district.

There are several characteristics of a great blog post. By viewing our Blogging Rubrics you can see the criteria for an exemplary post and also how a post might need improvement. There is a permanent list for writing good posts in the right sidebar that you can refer to when you post an article in the future.

For today's assignment you are going to grade 3 posts from any three of my blogs, one being the GRADS Classroom Blog. To locate all of the articles refer to the Archive in the right sidebar. Click on any year/month and click a title that sounds interesting.

At the top of the Blogging Rubrics form fill in the Post Title along with the blog name and the date the article was posted. Don't forget your name:)

Give your completed forms to Mrs. Allerton before you leave class.

When you are in the library next Tuesday, April 30th, you will begin writing a draft of your post. So come prepared with an idea of what you want to write about.
On May 7th you will publish your post and begin making meaningful comments to your classmate's articles.
We are leaving May 14th open at this time.

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