
GRADS is like a classroom without walls. We help our students make connections in their community, find reliable information online and show them how to be lifelong learners throughout their parenting journey. There are also other methods of teaching our students without the traditional textbook. Follow my classroom blog as we stretch the boundaries of teaching and learning.

May 22, 2013

Brestfeeding vs. Bottle feeding

Breastfeeding vs. Formula feeding                 

There are perks to both of these ways to feeding your child. Either is fine  but I am going to try and show you why breastfeeding should be recommend to every new. There are many advantages to breastfeeding your baby along with many advantages to formula feeding
                          Breastfeeding                                                          Formula Feeding
Perfect balance of nutrientsNot as efficiently utilized as breast milk
Contains high levels of nutrients Nutritional content depends on proper preparation
Easily digested and absorbedSome babies have difficulty tolerating certain nutrients
Content varies according to milk production stage, which meets the changing nutritional requirementsPediatrician/care-giver determines amount
Infant determines amount


Breastfeeding has many good things that help with "Infection-fighting antibodies passed from a nursing mother to her baby can help lower the occurrence of many conditions, including; ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and meningitis. A breastfed baby has easier digestion than a formula fed baby.

Costs of Breastfeeding vs formula feeding

With breastfeeding you do not have to pay for any bottles or cleaning products for the bottles. You only need you, baby and your breast. While with formula, you need bottles, formula, measuring equipment, and cleaning products for bottles.

Starting a career as a young mom

   People always judge teen mothers and say that they are ruining their lives and can never have a good career. But why should there negativity and you having a child young affect you having a career and being able to support your beautiful new child(ren). It shouldn't affect that one bit! As a young mother you should be encouraged more to go to college and to prove statistics wrong.
    Statistics say that 80% of women who have babies when they are teens spend at least part of their life dependent on welfare, and they have serious disadvantages in achieving financial success and independence in life, largely due to their lack of education.  They also say that the children are less likely to become successful and be financially stable. They are wrong though! My child motivates me to go and start a career so i can show her that you can always overcome the difficult times.

May 14, 2013

Publishing Your Article

Today each of you should be ready to publish your article. Please refer to my previous post if you need information about retrieving your draft and ask Mrs. Allerton for assistance. Make sure you follow the Blogging Rubrics for creating an outstanding article.

Please find time to read your classmate's articles and make a meaningful comment on each article.
Go to this link for suggestions on writing comments.

The completed article and your comments are due by this Thursday, May 16th.

I will be returning to school on Monday, May 20th. I miss you all and look forward to catching up. Don't forget, I need 3 chapter packets completed by Monday.

Text me if you have any questions about today's assignment.

Take Care,
Mrs. Hickman